Jaws, or The Dream Tench of Swim-Two-Birds

[...]            Yet what came

after ducks? That were other:
swimming, with dialects alien,

were fish. Shifts, scenes, plaices, gat-
herrings of where       [...]

-  Just cocking a snoek from part way through what is proving to be a somewhat difficult day...

I see from an article in Ha'aretz of a couple of months back that the IDF may be drawing lessons from the destruction of the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto: '...it's justified and in fact essential to learn from every possible source [...] even, however shocking it may sound, even how the German army fought in the Warsaw ghetto.' [Amir Oren: At the gates of
Ha'aretz, Friday January 25. The quote is from an unnamed
officer in the IDF.]

Christopher Walker
